Brian Tallman
I am a photographer based in Stavanger Norway who grew up in a small town in Iowa in the United States. Finding a love for photography from early on and receiving my first Kodamatic Instamatic 100 film camera at about 10 years old. Having progressed from those simple, wonderful cameras to film DSLRs to now digital has been an amazing journey for me. But, taking a really good picture still relies on who´s behind the camera.
While living in Iowa I met an amazing and wonderful Norwegian who turned my entire life upside down (in a good way). We married and moved to Norway in 2001. In the past few years I has increased my emphasis on photography and focused on more commercial work. I have become a well-rounded photographer, shooting everything from events, to private parties to weddings and corporate head shots.
As far as photographic style, I try to emphasize and incorporate colors and pictures with punch. Night photography and long exposure photography is becoming a specialty for me. Being able to control the situation and the lighting more with flashes and light painting is making photography more interesting and exciting for this photographer. It also helps me get good shots no matter the location, lighting or weather. I shoot primarily with Full Frame Sony gear.
In a world of Selfie-Sticks, Instagram, and everyone having a camera on their phone, good photography is more important than ever. It is a craft, planning for a moment captured in time that will move and influence people. Not just point, click and post.